EDGE Group / artists Emil Mirazchiev

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Emil Mirazchiev artist and curator

Born 1960 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Graduated in Graphics from the National Academy of Arts, Sofia (1986).

He works in graphics, video art, photography, installation, object and new media. In recent years, he has been actively working in the field of action in the public, social and political space. He is the author and the head of several projects and art festivals: the Graphic Studio international project – Plovdiv, the Facade Video Festival, LUMMIX Light Art Festival. He is the president of the Art Today Association and the Art Director of the Centre for Contemporary art, Ancient Bath, Plovdiv until its closure in 2017. Initiator (2010) and Artistic Director (2013) of Plovdiv - European Capital of Culture 2019.

Lives and works in Plovdiv.
tel.+359 888529224
e-mail mirazchiev60@yahoo.com

Emil Mirazchiev Gallery

Link to project - plovdiv-ecc-interviews.arttoday.org